Know Your Bible

VOL. 12                                                                                                                          April 28, 2013                                                                                                                            NO. 13



 The upcoming gospel meeting with brother Donnie Rader will certainly be beneficial to everyone who can come and listen to the message of God’s word proclaimed. For those that will take the time to come to the meeting I'm sure they will be edified by brother Rader’s preaching. We have in brother Rader a true soldier of Christ, trying desperately to get others to understand the urgency of obeying the gospel invitation of our Lord. But now I ask: What can we do to put this gospel meeting to use? 

Let us be sure we understand the power of the gospel and the need for everyone to hear it. We all need to develop a renewed zeal for the Lord, wanting to please Him. One way that we can please Him is to tell others about Him. Think about your own conversion to Christ. Aren't you glad that someone had the nerve to share with you the good news of salvation in Christ? What if that person had passed you by without bothering to mention Jesus? Where would you be today - and more importantly, where would you be spending eternity? 

This gospel meeting and the opportunities it presents to hear God’s word needs to be a reflection of our love for the Lord. As Christians we should be filled with a great enthusiasm to serve our Lord. Because of this upcoming meeting, I believe there are a few things that we all can do to show our love for Jesus, for the alien sinner, and for our own number. 1) We can take this opportunity to share the gospel to those we come in contact with, inviting them to come to the meeting. 2) We can call and invite those that either have not obeyed the gospel or who once obeyed the first principles but have fallen on the wayside. 3) As Christians, if we will attend and hear each and every lesson, we cannot but help to be strengthened spiritually by having our faith made stronger. Certainly let this meeting provide us with a renewed zeal of being interested in the souls of others and our own spirituality. 

We look forward to the preaching of God’s word which we are confident brother Rader will do while he is with us. May each of us as members of the church in Wise take this opportunity to put this meeting to use for the glory of God.

(Adapted with changes from an article by...)

---Richie Thetford

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After reading the above title, I’m sure some have already drawn some conclusions about me. However, I can live with that. All I ask is that you keep reading and give what I have to say a fair hearing.

Allow me to start right here… “Is dancing wrong?” I must first answer “No.” Dancing is not an intrinsic evil. There is no sin in moving one’s feet to the rhythm of music. Not all dancing involves indecent dress, unchaste contact, or illicit movements. In fact, the Bible records instances when righteous men danced as an expression of their joy (1 Chronicles 15:25-29; Luke 15:11-32).

However, dancing that calls for close bodily contact between unmarried males and females is wrong. Dancing that involves indecent and suggestive bodily movements is wrong. And dancing that involves impure handling of a dance partner is wrong. The kind of dancing that God’s word condemns is the kind of dancing that stirs one to have impure thoughts, and act in impure ways. That is the problem with most of the dancing that takes place today. Its appeal is sex. Now, there is nothing wrong with sexual attraction either. In fact, sexual attraction is a perfectly healthy matter that God created and put within us. However, that attraction must be kept within proper bounds. It should not be tantalized or it will very likely get out of hand. Unmarried people who have no legitimate means to fulfill their sexual desires need to be extremely careful to avoid any situation that could feed or flame such desires.

In years past, there was hardly any Christian who would openly defend dancing. The preachers of times past taught that it was sinful, and the congregation concurred. So, what has happened? Are things different today? Has dancing cleaned up its act? Were the preachers of yesterday all wrong about dancing? Has God’s moral standards changed some over the years?

Well, dancing certainly has not become any more moral over the years. If anything, the modern dance is more sensuous today than it ever was. Furthermore, preachers of the past were correct in preaching and warning against fleshly lusts which war against the soul (Galatians 5:19-21; 1 Peter 2:11). And of course, God’s moral law has not changed (Matthew 24:35). So then, what has changed? What has changed are the attitudes and respect (or lack of) God’s people have for His will. Some apparently seem to be more willing to justify their “pet” sins than they are willing to justify God’s high moral standard.

Young people, keep the commitment that you made to the Lord. “Guard your heart and mind from the fleshly lusts that war against your soul” (1 Peter 2:11). And parents, help your young son or daughter in making decisions that may affect their eternal destiny. Sometimes, because of the tremendous peer pressure they are under, your children need you to say “no” for them. Help them to make Christ-focused decisions that will bring honor God.

Bottom line:  We need a good dose of discipleship! We need to quit acting and thinking carnally. Moms and dads and other adults need to quit pushing and encouraging young people to immerse themselves in such a worldly event, and to develop some backbone. We need to be honest with ourselves and quit trying to defend what is indefensible. What do you think?

---Steve Higginbotham

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Know Your Bible" is e-mailed weekly by the church of Christ which meets at 112 Roberts Avenue in Wise, Virginia. If you know of others who might benefit from the articles contained in this bulletin, we would be glad to have you submit their e-mail addresses and we will include them in next week's mailing. If you are receiving this bulletin and do not wish to continue to do so, please e-mail us with your desire to be removed from the mailing list and we will remove your address promptly. Continue to the bottom of this page and further instructions will be given as to how you may contact us.

--- E.R. Hall, Jr.





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