Know Your Bible

VOL. 6                           April 29, 2007                           NO. 15

Five Things Every Song Leader Should Know

1. Song leaders need to know that we don't know it all: -- It doesn't make any difference how long we have been leading singing -- we can always improve. And arrogant song leader is a detriment to a successful worship service. I believe everyone who leads singing in worship can improve, including myself. This is not only true of singing but also true of leading in public prayer and preaching. We all know that thinking too highly of ourselves is sinful. If a person doesn't have the ability to lead singing in worship, he ought to do one of two things; 1) either let someone else lead who knows what he is doing, or 2) make up your mind that you are going to learn how to lead better. I have been in gospel meetings where every man had to take his turn doing the song leading. One man out of the six had the ability to lead well. Why can't the other five see the need of letting those with ability do the leading? Brethren, use those who are qualified to lead singing on Sundays and during gospel meetings. We don't allow every male member to take his turn preaching -- why not? I am not against using different ones but use those who are qualified. The reason some are qualified is simple: they have worked at it.

2. Song leaders need to know that when they are asked to lead the congregation, those who have the authority to ask them, believe that they have the ability to get the job done: -- To lead singing in worship is a serious responsibility. Take it seriously! Lead as well as you can.

3. Song leaders need to know that they are worship leaders and not just song leaders: -- Those who lead in prayer are worship leaders. Those who preach are worship leaders. This requires serious thought and preparation. God desires that true worshipers worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:24). We are taught to sing with spirit and understanding, sing and make melody in our hearts -- to sing with grace in our hearts -- to sing with faith and hope in our hearts. The song leader needs to know that he is to sing and lead in the manner God teaches His people to sing. When a song leader picks out his songs a few minutes before the service begins, he has made no preparation. This is pathetic! Song leaders need to prepare for the worship just like everyone else prepares for the worship.

4. Song leaders need to know something about singing: -- First, he needs to know the melodies to the songs he will be leading. Every song has a melody. If he doesn't know the melody or tune he cannot lead it. Second, he needs to know how to pitch a song correctly. Every song has pitch. If he pitches it too low they can't sing it. And...if a song leader wants to learn how to pitch a son, it doesn't take long to learn how. Third, he needs to know something about rhythm, because every song has rhythm. This has to do with how long or how short you hold a note or word.

    I have said for a long time that some members of churches of Christ are more against instrumental music in worship than they are for singing. Sometimes brethren have majored in the minors and minored in the majors on this subject. We have almost broken our arms patting ourselves on the back because we don't use instrumental music in worship -- while at the same time, put little emphasis on singing as God has commanded. The heart needs to be in tune just as much as we need to take the harp out of our worship. It is just as unscriptural to take something away from a command, as it is to add something to a command.

5. Song leaders need to know that they are only servants and that whatever ability they have, the glory belongs to the Lord: -- Song leaders are worshipers and not performers. And song leaders need to know that their attitude in the song service sets the tone for the entire worship. When the singing is from-the-heart effective, prayers will be more effective. When the singing is enthusiastic, the preaching will be better. When the singing is reflective and reverent, the Lord's Supper will be more meaningful.

    We have song leaders because the Bible teaches congregational singing (Heb. 2:12). This implies that someone has to take the lead. The Bible also affirms that we should do things decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40).

---R.J. Stevens

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    Those who lived during the time of the Old Testament received good things from God through His prophets, and His long-suffering and grace were demonstrated in manifold ways (Josh. 23:14; Psa. 34:10; Ex. 34:6,7). While they received good things, God was preparing better things for us and our times in His crowning deeds of loving kindness and mercy through the fulfillment of His promises (Heb. 11:39,40). We cannot be properly thankful for the better things in Christ unless we consider them well and perceive why they are better.

    The letter to the Hebrew saints was written in part to show those Christians who had lived under Moses' Law how the things of Christ are better and thus to strengthen their faith and steadfastness. After all, why should they (or we) want to go back to what was good, but not as good as the better things we have come to enjoy through our Redeemer? There really is no way that anyone can have, through subjecting himself to the First Covenant, what every faithful saint enjoys in full in Jesus Christ. Please think on these things.

    Better promises, promises of redemption, atonement, and adoption as Christians, were the basis of a better covenant which brought with it a better hope of an eternal inheritance (Heb. 8:6; 7:22,19). That inheritance is incorruptible and undefiled, safe from robbers and thieves and the decay of time (1 Pet. 1:3-5; Matt. 6:20). Please observe the progression of God's plan. Promises were made of a new and better covenant (Jer. 31:31-34). Jesus came in fulfillment of promises (Isa. 7:14; 9:6) to seek and save the lost (Lk. 19:10). He provided a better sacrifice which could take away sins (Heb. 9:23) Through His sacrificial death, He became a merciful High Priest with a greater Priesthood, taking away sins and ever living to make intercession for us (Heb. 7:21-28). His resurrection has given us hope of sharing in a better resurrection (Heb. 11:35) than merely physical restoration of life. He provided for us the new tabernacle, which the Lord pitched and not man (Heb. 8:2; 9:11-14). There, with His own blood He obtained eternal redemption for us, a truly great salvation (Heb. 2:2-4). Through Him we are children of God and thus heirs and partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light (1 Jn. 3:1-10; Col. 1:12; Heb. 10:34; 11:16,26).

    Perhaps through this study we all may appreciate more the better things God has provided for us. Then we can be more grateful for the spiritual blessings in Christ. When we set these better things in contrast to the transient things of this world, we can properly value those things that are truly valuable, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We should be moved to hold fast to the faith and not be moved away from the hope of the gospel. After all, the world can only temporarily numb our senses and give us momentary pleasure which blinds us to the greater joy of things eternal. We see the emptiness of carnal things when we ponder death and eternity. May God help us to think soberly, to set our minds on things above, and to treasure the better things -- the truly valuable things that God has set before us.

---Gilbert Alexander

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