Know Your Bible

VOL. 10                           June 26, 2011                           NO. 25

 Rules For A Happy Marriage
1.  Never part for a day without loving words.
2.  Never meet without a loving welcome.
3.  Neglect the whole world rather than each other.
4.  Never both be angry at once.
5.  Never talk AT one another, either alone or in company.
6.  Never make a remark at the expense of the other.  It is meanness, not love.
7.  Never speak loud to each other unless the house is on fire.
8.  Never taunt with a past mistake.
9.  Never sigh over what might have been, but make the best of what is.
10. Never find fault, unless it is perfectly certain that a fault has been committed; and always speak with kindness.
11. Never let any fault or grievance go by until you have frankly confessed it, and in sincere repentance asked for forgiveness.
12. Let each one strive to yield most often to the wishes of the other.
13. Let self-denial be the daily aim and practice of each one.
14. Never forget that marriage is of God, and that His blessing alone can make it what it should be.
15. Never be contented until you know you are both walking in the way of God.
16. Never let your hopes stop short of the Eternal Home.
     Assuring you that if you make these the rules of your marriage, peace and happiness shall follow you all the days of your life.
---Grover Stevens,
Caprock Church Bulletin
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Family Problems!
     Many homes are in trouble, even those among members of the church. In some homes, husbands and wives are ready to call it quits and divide the spoils -- children included! Others have resigned themselves to live together in misery; they know that they have no Scriptural grounds to divorce or separate (Matt. 19:3-9; 1 Cor. 7:5), but they do not enjoy one another's company anymore, and they bicker constantly; their home is a constant "battle royal." Some say they want to solve their problems and "live happily ever after," but all attempts to fix their problems have failed, and it appears that no solution or peace is on the horizon.
Good And Bad News: -- The bad news is that family problems are serious problems. It is shockingly woeful that so many families are in trouble -- especially among Christians. It ought not be! God designed the home for good, not wretchedness. It is mournfully deplorable and inexcusable that many are ignorant of and insensitive to the spiritual consequences of marital problems. Bad marriages can hinder prayers (1 Pet. 3:7), lessen our spiritual influence in the home and in the community, and send souls to hell. The good news is that problems have answers -- even family problems. Furthermore, family problems can be solved quickly, and families can "live happily ever after" if both spouses determine they want a good home and seek godly counsel. I have seen families on the brink of destruction change instantly, survive, and do well. Make your home all that God intended for the home to be! It is not as hard as some seem to think.
The Source Of Trouble: -- Problems and dissonance in the home are the result when one or more family members fail to live by God's commandments. Failure to obey God is sin (1 Jn. 3:4). Sometimes family members sin overtly -- they commit fornication, become drunken, or abuse other family members either physically, mentally, or emotionally. More often in "Christian homes" the sins are selfishness, rudeness, pride or abandonment of God assigned duties and places. Sometimes we are blind to our sins, or commit them because we are ignorant of God's law. Most of the time in "Christian Homes" we know when our hearts are evil, our attitudes wrong, and our deeds errant. In "Christian homes," most family problems are not caused by lack of knowledge, but by the failure to live the way we have been taught to live in Christ. All sin is destructive; any sin can condemn our soul to hell; no sin enhances the home. For the sake of souls, as well as the sake of homes, family problems need to be solved.
     If sin is the cause of family problems, and it primarily is, then repentance and forgiveness are the answers. It's that simple! Furthermore, repentance and forgiveness can be instantaneous; a family can turn things around and immediately start on the road to recovery; however, family participants must be genuinely interested in the welfare of their souls and in fixing the problems.
The Demand Of Repentance: -- Repentance and forgiveness demand we cease our sins -- all of them, even selfishness, rudeness, etc. If we repent and seek forgiveness, we should say it (Lk. 17:3). Furthermore, when a family member repents and seeks forgiveness, other family members have no choice, if they wish to please God and build a good home, but to forgive -- then and there. If forgiven, past offenses are not to be reintroduced and rehashed with each new offense or disagreement. Get over them and go forward. True repentance also demands the "fruits worthy of repentance" (Matt. 3:8). New offenses should diminish, but patience will be a virtue. There may be new issues with which to deal because there are not perfect couples and because old habits die hard. When we realize we are erring or following a familiar path that has led to problems in the past, we must stop, then and there, admit it, and make amends. We have to do these things if we want to get to heaven and if we want to restore peace and order to the home. We will do these things if we genuinely want to please God and "live happily ever after."
The Final Answer: -- The answer to the pandemic of family problems is a return to Biblical principles -- knowing them and living them. Homes built on the sure foundation of God's Word do not break apart and are not doomed to misery. Family problems can be avoided if we start right and finish right. Family problems can be solved if we make the necessary corrections. Remember: it is your choice, your home, and your soul.
---Harold Hancock
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1. Two immature people (Half baked)
2. Wed into marriage mixture
3. Add 4 in-laws (Protective type)
4. Stir together
5. Spoon drop 2 tablespoons jealousy
6. Blend jealousy with 1 cup boiling anger
7. Do not allow mixture to cool!
8. Stir with selfishness until bubbles thicken
9. Sprinkle on criticism (Constantly)
10. Loud voices grated in with criticism
11. 1/4 snarled lip
12. 2 eyes (Not smooth, or mellow-always glaring)
13. Beat together with vengeance
14. 1/2 cup bitterness (chopped)
15. Add undesired children and whip
16. 1 cup past mistakes (Do not forget!)
17. Tray of diced pride
18. Spread ingredients over neighborhood
19. Serve with unpaid bills
20. Cool kindness and love, then dissolve
Yield: Assortment of ruined lives, broken dreams and lost souls
---Larry Ray Hafley
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  Look around at what you have before you complain about what you don't have.
  The true disciple is obedient rather than ambitious, committed rather than competitive. For him,
  nothing is more important than pleasing the one who called him.
  The world belongs to the person who is wise enough to change their mind in the presence of facts.
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--- E.R. Hall, Jr.

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