Know Your Bible

VOL. 10                           May 8, 2011                           NO. 18

 Sex With Your Clothes On
     Our culture continues its steady march from traditional stances on morality and ethics. Practices go on today with barely a commotion that only a few years back would have had entire communities in an uproar. I don't know about you, but at times I find myself in an emotional tug-of-war. I am partly filled with great hope and optimism: surely there is a silent majority of people out there who have strong principles of morality and possess godly values. The other part of me is not so optimistic: As the generations go by, people have grown to question all that is right and embrace all that is wrong. It does not help my optimism when I hear that those who play a significant role in the development of our future leaders and members of society embrace ungodly practices and write it off as "teens will be teens."
     Disturbing reports have come out of the Brownsburg Homecoming Dance this year. Reports of "bumping and grinding" and other provocative dancing have been widely circulated. "Bumping and grinding" is described as back to front dancing where a girl gyrates against the pelvis of a boy standing behind her. Some have described the dance as "sex with your clothes on." This Spring, a controversy over this type of dancing erupted in Fort Wayne. One student, who defended this kind of dancing said, "I've grown up with it. That's the way dance is. You have to grow with the times." Some schools across the country have banned dirty dancing. One school administrator in California says, "it is like pornography...there are instances when a girl will be on the floor and there will be guys on top of her," gyrating in sync to the song. The San Jose Mercury News describes the dancing in this way: "There are times when a student's head is nuzzled in another's crotch. Or legs are hung around hips as pelvises thrust against each other. Basically, it's anything that looks like sex." (
     At this year's Homecoming dance, Brownsburg school administrators had the DJ make an announcement about "appropriate behavior," but no action was taken to stop the dirty dancing because there were just too many people to control and no way to stop it. The behavior itself is disturbing and clearly beyond the lines of morality. But perhaps even more appalling than the dirty dancing, was the reaction of school administrators who were fearful that if students were sent home for inappropriate conduct they would have to endure the complaints of parents.
     Two "chaperones" at the social event were told that "teens will be teens and they (the chaperones) were out of touch because they were not educators." It is a sad day when school officials do not have the backbone to stand up to parents who would allow their children to engage in such offensive behavior. more pessimistic side is winning out. When it comes to moral issues, the ones we entrust to be positive role models for our children seem to be questioning all that is right and embracing all that is wrong.
     Dirty dancing falls into a category of behavior that is clearly condemned in Scripture. Romans 13:13 says, “Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality.” "Sensuality" refers to "wanton (acts or) manners, as filthy words, indecent physical movements, unchaste handling of males and females, etc." Those who serve God must cease this kind of behavior in order to be pleasing to Him. In fact, those who engage in such behavior will not inherit the kingdom of God. This is not based on one man's opinion, but the inspired word of God. Galatians 5:19-21 says, “Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
     But...children will be children and they're going to do it anyway. Really? Who says? How many teenagers demonstrate great courage in withstanding peer pressure? How many more would withstand peer pressure if they had the proper guidance at home and school? When parents and a school corporation operate under the "they're going to do it anyway" mentality they in effect are giving their stamp of approval on the immoral behavior despite weak-kneed objections to the contrary.
     Unfortunately, a number of parents and school administrators have caved into the spirit of moral compromise that pushes "black and white" issues into "gray areas." We need leaders in the community who will have courage enough to stand up to indecent and ungodly behavior! We need parents who will teach their children how to be confident, how to stand on their convictions, and how to know right from wrong. Principles of morality and godly values do not change with the times! There are some behaviors that will always be wrong no matter what entire generations of people say.
     Let's get away from living in flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. (1 Peter 4:2)
---Author Unknown
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"You Know How It Is"
     She was a member of the local church and hadn't been at services so I called to see if she or one of the children might be sick.  When she answered the phone I explained my concern and reason for calling. She assured me that all of them were well, none of them were sick, they just had an open-house family get together with lots of relatives dropping in - ''you know how it is" - and didn’t come to services!
     I never cease to be amazed at the lackadaisical way in which we view our service to the Lord. Who would think of not showing up at work Monday morning, then when the supervisor calls, respond, "I'm fine, no problem, I just didn't come in for work this morning" - and at that point swing into that ''you know how it is" routine about oversleeping or relatives came in for a visit, etc..
     Talk until you are blue in the face and you'll never convince me that you'd do this. In the first place you'd be too embarrassed to try to palm off on your boss such a flimsy excuse for not coming to work. In the second place, you know that no reputable company is going to tolerate such a display of irresponsibility on the part of an employee. Yet you expect the Lord to accept it! I want to say to these folks: "NO, I don't know how it is!"

---Lowell Blasingame
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Grateful people are happy people! Those who aren't, aren't.
Greet the Word of God with an open mind and receptive heart.
If you are not a dog, don't spend all of your time growling.
Sooner or later you must learn that God makes no deals.
You can not strengthen a man's character by whitewashing it.
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Know Your Bible" is e-mailed weekly by the church of Christ which meets at 112 Roberts Avenue in Wise, Virginia. If you know of others who might benefit from the articles contained in this bulletin, we would be glad to have you submit their e-mail addresses and we will include them in next week's mailing. If you are receiving this bulletin and do not wish to continue to do so, please e-mail us with your desire to be removed from the mailing list and we will remove your address promptly. Continue to the bottom of this page and further instructions will be given as to how you may contact us.

--- E.R. Hall, Jr.

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